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Coordinator: Prof. Andrea Spagnoli
Duration: 3 years


The PhD programme in Civil Engineering and Architecture aims to provide students with:
(i) sound understanding of the main challenges related to civil engineering and architecture, developing capacity for synthesis of theoretical and applied solutions in various disciplinary fields (construction, environmental, geotechnical, structural, transportation engineering, architecture), through basic training and learning of updated research methodologies;
(ii) specialized teaching in various disciplines at both theoretical and applied levels to form the basis for actions of territory anthropization and building of the cities through unification of in-depth social, cultural and working-plan analysis that affect the construction projects in architecture and built heritage.
The training program is coordinated by the Faculties involved in the scientific disciplinary field (or fields) related to each research topic treated within the present PhD programme. Such a program is carried out by taking part in lectures and courses (also held by other Universities and graduate Schools or foreign Institutions with which agreements for exchanges and reciprocity have been signed), seminars, laboratory and research activities, study stays in other scientific and technical Institutions.


Handbook for the 38th Cycle (2022-2025)

Handbook for the 37th Cycle (2021-2024)

Handbook for the 36th Cycle (2020-2023)




Faculty Board

Selection committees


Scholarships and research topics for the 39th Cycle (2023-2026)


Seminars & Events



The following laboratories are available for training and research of PhD students:


Instructions to reach the Department of Engineering and Architecture

Documenti allegati

Call PhD programmes - 38th Cycle   

Forms/Details of the PhD programme
Form/Detail for the 38th Cycle   

Rules and forms

PhD programmes Unipr

Doctorate School in Engineering and Architecture

PhD day 2015
PhD day 2016
PhD day 2017
PhD day 2018
PhD day 2019
PhD days Hydraulics Engineering 2019
PhD day 2022

+39 0521 905927
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