
Ingresso sede scientifica Ingegneria

The Department of Engineering for Industrial Systems and Technologies (DISTI) has been active since 2024 (Decreto Rettorale n° 835/2024, prot. 0093912 del 2 aprile 2024)



The Department of Engineering for Industrial Systems and Technologies (DISTI) is a scientific and educational structure of the University of Parma, committed to providing an innovative, interdisciplinary, and highly specialized education, balancing theory and practice. DISTI promotes cohesion, internationalization, quality in educational pathways, flexibility, and a focus on innovation, aiming to guide students toward excellence in the industry.

Knowledge is developed through intense research activities and a comprehensive educational offering. The curriculum is defined and implemented in collaboration with key stakeholders, particularly students, private companies, public entities, research centers, and within a framework of progressive internationalization of activities.

DISTI also pursues quality assurance procedures for administrative actions, research, education, and the third mission, promotes sustainability in the region, and contributes to its socio-economic growth.

Crucial to the department is its dedication to both fundamental and applied research, technology transfer, and the training of professionals and researchers ready to contribute to the evolution of the sector at the local, national, and international levels, as well as to the dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge and culture.

Aree Scientifiche Disciplinari


Settore scientifico - disciplinare


Settore scientifico-disciplinare

IIND-06/A  Macchine a fluidoING-IND/08 - Macchine a fluido
IIND-07/A  Fisica Tecnica industrialeING_IND/10 Fisica tecnica industriale
IIND-07/B  Fisica Tecnica ambientaleING-IND/11 Fisica Tecnica Ambientale
IMIS-01/A Misure meccaniche e termicheING-IND/12 Misure meccaniche e termiche
IIND-02/A Meccanica applicata alle macchineING-IND/13 Meccanica applicata alle macchine
IIND-03/A Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchineING-IND/14 Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine
IIND-03/B Disegno e metodi dell'ingegneria industrialeING-IND/15 Disegno e metodi dell'ingegneria industriale
IIND-04/A Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazioneING-IND/16 Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione
IIND-05/A Impianti industriali meccaniciING-IND/17 Impianti industriali meccanici
IIND-03/C MetallurgiaING/IND 21 Metallurgia
IMAT-01/A Scienza e tecnologia dei materialiING-IND/22 Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali
IEGE-01/A Ingegneria economico-gestionaleING-IND/35 Ingegneria economico-gestionale
STAT-02/A Statistica economicaSECS-S/03 Statistica economica
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