International mobility

The Department of Engineering for Industrial Systems and Technologies (DISTI) has long maintained relationships with foreign universities and cultural institutions for both educational and research exchanges. The DISTI's "International Student Mobility Commission," coordinated by Prof. Roberto Montanari, is in charge of activities related to international exchange projects that allow students of the various Study Courses to take advantage of opportunities to spend a period of study, internship or research abroad under the "Erasmus" and at foreign universities that have signed a cooperation agreement.

General information regarding exchange projects is published on the University website.

International Student Mobility Committee

The Professors make up the Commission:


Mirko Morini

Emanuela Cerri

Claudio Favi

Mechanical Engineering Area

Roberto Montanari

Fabrizio Moroni

Adrian Hugh Alexander Lutey

Engineering Management Area

Tutor - international

The Internationalization Tutors carry out activities to support internationalization programs and projects at the Department. These activities involve dissemination of internationalization opportunities to students enrolled in different courses of study and support to students already in mobility during the academic year.



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