18 students in the period 2001-2014.
The PhD programme started in 2001 (17th Cycle) with a Board mainly of Geotechnical Engineers, currently active in the Thematic Structural and Geotechnical Engineering of the PhD programme in Civil Engineering and Architecture.

27th Cycle (2011-2014)

Coordinator: Prof. Alberto Mazzucato, University IUAV of Venice

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Chiara Prearo


Determination of cyclic resistance of clean sands from cone penetration test based on state parameter

Prof. Vincenzo Fioravanti

Senior Project Engineer at Cathie Associates


Andrea Terrone


The SLIP model: A major step towards the application in real time civil protection integrated platforms for landslide prevention

Prof. Lorella Montrasio

Geotechnical Engineer at Jacobs

25th Cycle (2009-2012)

Coordinator: Prof. Alberto Mazzucato, University IUAV of Venice

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Luigi Canelli


Analisi sperimentale e simulazione numerica dell’efficienza di strutture di ritenuta per il contenimento delle colate detritiche

Prof. Anna Maria Ferrero

Global Business Development - Distributed Energy at Enel X

24th Cycle (2008-2011)

Coordinator: Prof. Alberto Mazzucato, University IUAV of Venice

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Fabio Cattaneo


Numerical modelling of electrokinetic processes on a natural soil

Prof. Francesco Colleselli

Engineer at Studio Cancelli Associato


Gianluca Losi


Modellazione spazio-temporale dei fenomeni di soil slip: dalla scala di pendio alla scala territoriale

Prof. Lorella Montrasio


23rd Cycle (2007-2010)

Coordinator: Prof. Alberto Mazzucato, University IUAV of Venice

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

21st Cycle (2005-2008)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianpaolo Giani, University of Parma

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Elena Giacomini

La tura di Treporti alla Bocca di Lido - Venezia: simulazione numerica delle fasi di costruzione

Prof. Francesco Colleselli



Marco Ranalli


Calibrazione probabilistica di un modello dinamico di movimenti lenti di versante

Prof. Guido Gottardi

Design Engineer GEO & DOMUS s.r.l. and GEO & DOMUS Infrastrutture srl

20th Cycle (2004-2007)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianpaolo Giani, University of Parma

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Tiziana Chiamone

Influenza della salinità del fluido nei pori sul comportamento meccanico delle argille

Prof. Rocco Lagioia

Senior Engineer
Gexcel srl


Michela Marchi



Stability and strength analysis of leaning towers

Prof. Guido Gottardi

RTDA at DICAM, University of Bologna


Giuliano Rossi

Analisi e confronto tra previsioni e misure in corso d'opera dei cedimenti di un rilevato stradale

Prof. Lorella Montrasio

Civil Servant at Province of Mantova

19th Cycle (2003-2006)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianpaolo Giani, University of Parma

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Nicola Barbone

Analisi delle condizioni di stabilità delle antiche cave sotterranee in pietra di Viggiù

Prof. Anna Maria Ferrero

Technical Director Impresa Percassi S.p.A.


Laura Govoni


Centrifuge modelling of surface and buried footings on silica sand

Prof. Guido Gottardi

Associate Professor at DICAM, University of Bologna


Edward Kamugisha


Studio teorico e sperimentale per analisi del comportamento meccanico dei vuoti nella coltivazione di pietra ornamentale : il caso della cava Piastriccioni

Prof. Anna Maria Ferrero


17th Cycle (2001-2004)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianpaolo Giani, University of Parma

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Martino Leoni


Implementation and use of constitutive models in geomechanics: analysis of shallow footings on sand

Prof. Lorella Montrasio

Founding Partner and Administrator of WESI Geotecnica


Alessio Colombi


Physical modelling of an isolated pile in coarse grained soils

Prof. Vincenzo Fioravante, Prof. Michele Jamiolkowski

Partner Colombi Roversi & Associati Studio di Ingegneria


Alessandra Nocilla


The mechanics of silty soils from the Po river embankments

Prof. Francesco Colleselli

Researcher at DICATAM, University of Brescia

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