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119 students since 1999, 92% of which have been funded: 62% by the University, 15% by the tutor, 15% by other Administrations and Companies. 50% of the Alumni are Scholars and Academics, 25% are Employees and executives in private and public companies, 18% are freelancers, 7% are Civil Servants.
The PhD programme started in 2000 (15th Cycle) under the name of PhD programme in Civil Engineering. Since 2014 (29th Cycle) the new name has become PhD programme in Civil Engineering and Architecture.
The Geotechnical Colleagues, currently mainly active in the Thematic Structural and Geotechnical Engineering,  have been enrolled in another PhD programme in Geotechnical Engineering, 17th-27th Cycles (26th Cycle was not activated).
Many Colleagues Architects, currently active in the Thematic Architecture and Urban Planning, have been enrolled in another PhD programme in Shapes and Structures of Architecture, 21st-28th Cycle.
The Alumni section is managed by Prof. Andrea Maranzoni, the senior Alumnus (16th Cycle) in service as Associate Professor at the DIA.

34th Cycle (2018-2021)

Coordinator: Prof. Sandro Longo


NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Mattia Pancrazio Cosma



Programmable response and controlled morphing of polymer-based elements

Prof. Roberto Brighenti

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma

Chiara Miodini



Analisi degli effetti del rinforzo radicale sulla stabilizzazione di pendii soggetti a frane pluvio-indotte

Prof. Lorella Montrasio


Stefano Noto



Binder blending in mixtures with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement

Tutor: Prof. Gabriele Tebaldi, Prof. Elena Romeo


Pietro Rastelli



Doctor Europaeus


Advances in particle distribution for SPH numerical schemes: from explicit to implicit shifting techniques

Prof. Renato Vacondio

Employee at Iren SpA

Simone Ravasini



Structural robustness assessment of precast concrete structures

Prof. Beatrice Belletti

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma

Alessandro Valletta




Doctor Europaeus

Automatic detection of landslide events for risk management and early warning procedures

Prof. Andrea Segalini, Prof. Marian Drusa

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma

Giuseppe Verterame



Il macroisolato come strumento per la rigenerazione urbana. Spazi, forme e funzioni per la città di medie dimensioni

Prof. Carlo Quintelli


Elena Zanazzi



Delegate of PhD students

Architetture fortificate emiliane colpite dal sisma del 2012. Dall’analisi dei meccanismi di dissesto alla definizione di strumenti per il rilievo speditivo e per la prevenzione delle vulnerabilità

Prof. Eva Coisson, Prof. Daniele Ferretti, Prof. Antonino Libro


33rd Cycle (2017-2020)

Coordinator: Prof. Sandro Longo

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Edoardo Cavalca



Three-dimensional monitoring of the tunnel face: development of an innovative tool for preconvergence monitoring

Prof. Andrea Segalini



Sofia Celli



La catena di castagni della cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore. Dall'analisi storico-costruttiva alla definizione di uno strumento informativo a supporto della conservazione e del restauro

Prof. Federica Ottoni

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma


Beatriz Chagas Silva Gouveia



The Use of Quicklime as an Active Filler on Cold Recycled Mixtures Stabilized with Bitumen

Prof. Gabriele Tebaldi



Youssef El ganadi


Potentiality of the Smart City concept. An application to the case of Rabat (Potenzialità del concetto di Smart City. Un’applicazione al caso di Rabat)

Prof. Michele Zazzi



Sandra Mikolajewska



Tecnologie digitali integrate per la conoscenza, la conservazione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale storico: il Teatro Farnese di Parma (Integrated digital technologies for the knowledge and enhancement of Cultural Heritage: the Farnese Theatre of Parma)

Prof. Andrea Zerbi

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma


Francesco Preti



Laboratory and computational mechanics-based framework for the analysis and design of cold recycled pavement layers

Prof. Gabriele Tebaldi



Fabrizio Rechichi



Definizione e implementazione di un modello informativo per i Beni Culturali

Prof. Riccardo Roncella



Antonio Roberto




Doctor Europaeus

Delegate of PhD students

A multi-scale approach to interpret Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) creep behaviour at intermediate temperatures

Prof. Antonio Montepara, Prof. Elena Romeo

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma


Roberto Savi



Sviluppo e validazione di sistemi di monitoraggio per il controllo remoto delle opere passive a protezione del territorio (Development of an innovative monitoring system integrated with rockfall and debris flow barriers in order to control slopes stability)

Prof. Andrea Segalini



Valeria Todaro




Doctor Europaeus

Advanced techniques for solving groundwater and surface water problems in the context of inverse methods and climate change

Prof. Maria Giovanna Tanda

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma


Andrea Zanichelli




Advanced methodology for fretting fatigue assessment of metallic structural components

Prof. Sabrina Vantadori, Prof. Andrea Carpinteri

Researcher RTDA at DIA, Università di Parma

32nd Cycle (2016-2019)

Coordinator: Prof. Andrea Carpinteri

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Corrado Accardo



Applicazione della teoria della meccanica della frattura per la valutazione del decadimento prestazionale dei conglomerati bituminosi per pavimentazioni autostradali

Prof. Gabriele Tebaldi

Highway network maintenance manager at Autovie Venete


Martina Carra



Le dinamiche urbane delle stazioni ferroviarie ad alta velocità dal 1990 al 2019 (Urban dynamics of high-speed railway stations from 1990 to 2019)

Prof. Paolo Ventura

Researcher RTDA at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Architettura, Territorio, Ambiente e di Matematica of the Università degli Studi di Brescia


Lia Ferrari



Messa in sicurezza di chiese e campanili. Analisi tecnico-economica degli interventi post sisma 2012 per la definizione di linee di indirizzo (Securing churches and bell towers. Technical-economic analysis of post-earthquake 2012 interventions for the definition of guidelines)

Prof. Eva Coisson, Prof. Antonino Libro

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma


Diana Petrolo




Doctor Europaeus

Delegate of PhD students

Mixing processes and buoyancy transport in stratified turbulent flows

Prof. Sandro Longo, Prof. Andrew W. Woods

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma


Federico Prost





Un solutore 2D alle acque basse parallelizzato su GPU per la modellistica idrodinamica a scala di bacino

Prof. Francesca Aureli, Prof. Paolo Mignosa

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma


Michele Terzano




Doctor Europaeus

Fracture processes in indentation and cutting of soft biomaterials

Prof. Andrea Spagnoli, Prof. Daniele Dini

Research Fellow at Graz University


Massimiliano Turchetto


A general design for a scalable MPI-GPU Shallow Water Equations solver

Prof. Renato Vacondio, Prof. Alessandro Dal Palù

Scholar at Dip. Scienze Mat. Fisiche e Inf., Università di Parma

31st Cycle (2015-2018)

Coordinator: Prof. Andrea Carpinteri

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Fabio Addona




Doctor Europaeus

Cotutelle (outgoing) with the University of Granada

Swell and wind-waves interaction under partial reflection conditions

Prof. Sandro Longo, Prof. Maria Clavero

Scholar at University of Delaware, DE, USA


Federico Artoni



Modeling and simulation of stimuli-responsive viscoelastic polymers

Prof. Roberto Brighenti

Technical Management Instructor at the Public Works and Heritage Service of the Municipality of Cavezzo


Andrea Carri



Innovative monitoring instrumentations and methods for landslide risk management and mitigation

Prof. Andrea Segalini

Employee ASE s.r.l (PR)


Giovanni Fortese



Analisi del comportamento di componenti strutturali metallici soggetti a fatica da contatto (Analysis of behaviour of metallic structural components under fretting fatigue)

Prof. Sabrina Vantadori, Prof. Andrea Carpinteri

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma


Erika Garilli



Evoluzione storica delle pavimentazioni stradali in pietra e strumenti per il dimensionamento secondo criteri razionali (Historical evolution of stone road pavements and tools for design according to rational criteria)

Prof. Felice Giuliani, Prof. Antonio Montepara

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma


Michele Placido Antonio Gatto



Experimental and theoretical analysis of the seismic risk mitigation through interventions on soil with synthetic materials

Prof. Lorella Montrasio

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma


Andrea Lira Loarca




Doctor Europaeus

Cotutelle (incoming) with the University of Granada

Experimental and analytical study of the hydrodynamics of swell and sea waves with partially reflective structures

Prof. Asunción Baquerizo Azofra, Prof. Sandro Longo

Scholar at the University of Genoa


Matteo Riboli


Fatigue behaviour and design of quarter turn valve actuators

Prof. Andrea Spagnoli, Prof. Giovanni Meneghetti

Project Manager at Drillmec

 Laura Spaggiari

Flexible barriers against rapid events: interaction with moving masses and structural behavior control

Prof. Andrea Segalini, Prof. Roberto Brighenti

Employee Incofil Tech (TN)


Francesca Vecchi



PARC_CL 2.1 crack model for the capacity assessment of new and existing reinforced concrete structures using non-linear finite element analysis

Prof. Beatrice Belletti

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma

30th Cycle (2014-2017)

Coordinator: Prof. Andrea Carpinteri

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Nazarena Bruno



From survey to analysis for Cultural Heritage management: a new proposal for database design in BIM

Prof. Riccardo Roncella, Prof. Cristiana Achille, Prof. Andrea Zerbi

Researcher RTDA at DIA, Università di Parma


Alessia Ferrari


2D Shallow Water modelling of flood propagation: GPU parallelization, non-uniform grids, porosity, reverse flow routing

Prof. Paolo Mignosa, Prof. Renato Vacondio

Researcher RTDA at DIA, Università di Parma


Filippo Leurini


Analisi numerico-sperimentale di materiali compositi a matrice cementizia (FRCM) per il rinforzo di elementi strutturali in C.A. ( Experimental and numerical study on cement-based composites (FRCM) for the strengthening of RC structural members)

Prof. Roberto Cerioni, Prof. Patrizia Bernardi

Lecturer in Mathematics at Secondary Schools

 Andrea Maiocchi

Identità del disegno e del rilievo contemporaneo. Definizione di un metodo conoscitivo del patrimonio esistente: dalla diagnostica all’infografica per l’architettura (Features of contemporary drawing and survey. Definition of an architectural heritage fact-finding methodology: from duagnostics to infographics)

Prof. Maria Evelina Melley

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma

 Andrea Matta

La città sperimentale del campus. Forma e ruolo urbano del campus universitario in Europa (The experimental city of the campus. Form and urban role of the university campus in Europe)

Prof. Carlo Quintelli

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma

29th Cycle (2013-2016)

Coordinator: Prof. Andrea Carpinteri

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Federico Autelitano



Studi per l’identificazione analitica dell’odore del bitume nelle diverse fasi di costruzione delle pavimentazioni stradali (The odour fingerprint of bitumen)

Prof. Felice Giuliani

Researcher RTDB at DIA, Università di Parma


Barbara Caselli



Crescita e Shrinkage. Modelli interpretativi per le città italiane in contrazione di medie e piccole dimensioni dal 1990 ad oggi (Growth and Shrinkage. Interpretative models for medium and small Italian Shrinking Towns from 1990 to today)

Prof. Paolo Ventura

Researcher RTDA at DIA, Università di Parma

 Francesco Fulvi

L’autorecupero e l’autocostruzione assistita: modelli, sperimentazioni e processi partecipativi alla luce dei nuovi scenari ambientali e sociali (Assisted autonomous restoration and construction: models, experimental experiences and participatory processes in the light of new environmental and social scenarios)

Prof. Michele Zazzi, Prof. Fabrizio Tucci

Freelance Architect and Lecturer at Secondary Schools


Patrizia Rota



Una fragilità adattabile. Mappe climatiche e indirizzi urbanistici per la resilienza dei quartieri residenziali della città media emiliana (An adaptable fragility. Urban climatic maps and guidelines to the resiliency of the residential neighbourghoods of the middle Emilian city)

Prof. Michele Zazzi

Employee of the Municipality of Parma, Territorial Planning Office


Matteo Scolari


Implementation of PARC_CL 2.0 crack model for reinforced concrete members subjected to cyclic and dynamic loading

Prof. Beatrice Belletti

Geotechnical Engineer at RINA Consulting spa


Alice Sirico



Development of a nonlinear model for RC/FRC elements applied to the analysis of tunnel linings under fire conditions

Prof. Patrizia Bernardi, Prof. Roberto Cerioni

Researcher RTDA at DIA, Università di Parma

28th Cycle (2012-2015)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianfranco Forlani

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Fausto Cupola


Theory and application of inverse problems in groundwater: numerical, laboratory and field studies

Prof. Andrea Zanini, Prof. Maria Giovanna Tanda, Prof. Michael Cardiff

Entrepreneur Cupola srl Environmental Services


Elisa Dall'Asta



Semi-global techniques in image matching and change detection with applications to civil and environmental engineering

Prof. Riccardo Roncella, Prof. Gianfranco Forlani



Susanna Dazzi


Numerical modelling of unsteady mixed flows

Prof. Andrea Maranzoni, Prof. Paolo Mignosa

Researcher RTDA at DIA, Università di Parma

 Roberta Lanubile

Indagine modellistica sulla tenuta idraulica delle difese arginali deputate alla protezione idraulica del territorio (Investigation with numerical models on the hydraulic safety of the embankments appointed for the protection of alluvial plains)

Prof. Maria Giovanna Tanda, Prof. Andrea Zanini

Cartographic Engineer at IREN Ambiente S.p.A.


Camilla Ronchei



Sviluppo e applicazione di nuovi criteri per la verifica a fatica multiassiale di componenti strutturali in leghe di acciaio e alluminio (Development and application of new criteria for multiaxial fatigue assessment of structural components made of alloys steel and aluminium alloys)

Prof. Sabrina Vantadori, Prof. Andrea Carpinteri

Researcher RTDA at Università della Calabria


Marina Santise


UAS photogrammetric blocks: accuracy, georeferencing and control

Prof. Gianfranco Forlani

Product Engineer at Leica Geosystems part of Hexagon, Switzerland

27th Cycle (2011-2014)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianfranco Forlani

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Alice Bonati


Caratterizzazione e modellazione del comportamento al fuoco di miscele bituminose per applicazioni in gallerie stradali (Characterization and modelling of the fire behaviour of asphalt mixtures for applications in highway tunnels)

Prof. Felice Giuliani

Engineer at the Municipality of Parma

 Ilaria Fontanesi

Modellazione strutturale di edifici storici in muratura e misti: valutazioni comparate e criteri operativi (Structural modeling of historical masonry and composite buildings: comparative assessments and operational criteria)

Prof. Roberto Cerioni, Prof. Eva Coisson, Ing. Luca Melegari

Freelance Architect


Nicholas Corbari


Particle method approach in mechanics of solids and granular materials

Prof. Roberto Brighenti

Civil Engineer at Studio Rinnova


Dario Pecchini


Evaluating Safety Performances of Rural Roundabouts via Conflict Opportunities Technique

Prof. Felice Giuliani

Technical Director Instructor at the Municipality of Reggiolo

26th Cycle (2010-2013)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianfranco Forlani

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Lorenzo Montanari



Doctor Europaeus

Vibration-based damage identification in beam structures through wavelet analysis

Prof. Andrea Spagnoli

Structural Designer


Daniela Scorza



Mechanical modeling of short-fibre-reinforced materials under static or cyclic loading

Prof. Roberto Brighenti, Prof. Andrea Carpinteri, Prof. Sabrina Vantadori

Researcher RTDA at Università di Napoli Parthenope

25th Cycle (2009-2012)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianfranco Forlani

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD
  Nicola Garutti

Analisi numerica del comportamento strutturale di solai alveolari in presenza di aperture (Numerical analysis of the structural behavior of hollow core slabs in presence of openings)

Prof. Roberto Cerioni, Prof. Patrizia Bernardi

Seismic risk office manager - Public Administration

24th Cycle (2008-2011)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianfranco Forlani

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD
 Donato Citarella

Studio sperimentale del trasporto di inquinanti in vasca di filtrazione mediante tracciante fluorescente (Experimental study on pollutant transport in a laboratory sandbox by means of fluorescent tracer)

Prof. Maria Giovanna Tanda, Prof. Andrea Zanini

State Police Officer - Forensic Police Department


Gessica Umili



Ricostruzione automatica delle linee di rottura nei Modelli Digitali di Superficie con applicazioni in ambito geotecnico e architettonico (Automatic reconstruction of fracture lines in Digital Surface Models with geotechnical and architectural applications)

Prof. Gianfranco Forlani

Associate Professor at Università di Torino

23rd Cycle (2007-2010)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianfranco Forlani

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD
 Valentina Rota

Finite Element Analysis and Laboratory Investigation of Reinforced Road Pavements

Prof. Antonio Montepara

GSM Assistant for Sodexo Italy c/o P&G Gattatico (RE)

22nd Cycle (2006-2009)

Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Mignosa

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Luca Chiapponi



Interazione tra superficie libera e turbolenza di forte intensità (Strong turbulence and free surface interaction in a grid-stirred tank)

Prof. Sandro Longo

Researcher RTDB at Università di Parma


Marco D'Oria



Characterization of Aquifer Hydraulic Parameters: from Theis to Hydraulic Tomography

Prof. Maria Giovanna Tanda, Prof. Michael N. Fienen, Prof. Andrea Zanini

Researcher RTDB at DIA, Università di Parma


Augusto Cannone Falchetto



Investigation of Low Temperature Properties of Asphalt Mixture Containing Recycled Asphalt Materials

Prof. Antonio Montepara, Prof. Gabriele Tebaldi, Prof. Mihai Maresteanu

Junior Professor at Technische Universitat Braunschweig


Renato Vacondio


Shallow Water and Navier-Stokes SPH-like numerical modelling of rapidly varying free-surface flows

Prof. Paolo Mignosa, Prof. Benedict D. Rogers

Associate Professor at DIA, Università di Parma

21st Cycle (2005-2008)

Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Mignosa

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Filippo Merusi


Metodi reologici avanzati per l'analisi del comportamento dei bitumi stradali negli stati critici di esercizio (Advanced rheological methods for the analysis of road bitumen behaviour in critical operating conditions)

Prof. Felice Giuliani

Prevention and Protection Service Manager at  Università di Parma


Mirko Silvestri


Sul comportamento post critico di pannelli in vetro stratificato (On the post-critical behavior of laminated glass structural elements)

Prof. Gianni Royer Carfagni

Researcher at the Experimental Glass Station of Murano

20th Cycle (2004-2007)

Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Mignosa

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD
 Elisa Degiovanni

Analisi sperimentale dei materiali della sovrastruttura stradale attraverso il metodo agli Elementi Distinti Particellari (Experimental analysis of road super structure materials using the Particle Distinct Elements method)

Prof. Antonio Montepara, Prof. Felice Giuliani

Engineer at Clea s.c.

  Alessandro Di Stasi

La vulnerabilità sismica di edifici storici in muratura: il caso del Liceo Classico Romagnosi e del Liceo Scientifico Ulivi di Parma (The seismic vulnerability of historic masonry buildings: the case of the Liceo Classico Romagnosi and the Liceo Scientifico Ulivi in Parma)

Prof. Roberto Cerioni, Prof. Beatrice Belletti

Freelance Engineer

 Andrea Ghiretti

Metodologie di rilievo e rappresentazione per la valutazione strutturale del patrimonio storico-architettonico (Methodology of survey and representation for the structural evaluation of the historical - architectural heritage)

Prof. Chiara Vernizzi, Prof. Eva Coisson

Partner in an Architecture and Design Studio

 Maria Carmen Nuzzo

Rappresentazione della memoria. Tra disegno di progetto, analisi grafica e disegno di architettura (Memory representation. Between planning project, graphical analysis and architectural survey)

Prof. Chiara Vernizzi, Prof. Michela Rossi

Lecturer at Liceo Artistico Toschi, Parma


Elena Romeo



Measurement and Prediction of Fundamental Tensile Failure Limits of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)

Prof. Antonio Montepara, Prof. Bjorn Birgisson

Associate Professor at DIA, Università di Parma


Chiara Ziveri


2D Finite Volume Numerical Modeling of Free Surface Flows with Topography

Prof. Paolo Mignosa

Plant manager at IREN Ambiente spa

19th Cycle (2003-2006)

Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Mignosa

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Elena Michelini



Un modello non lineare per l’analisi in campo bidimensionale di strutture in conglomerato armato (A non-linear model for two-dimensional analysis of reinforced concrete structures)

Prof. Roberto Cerioni, Prof. Ivo Iori

Researcher RTDB at DIA, Università di Parma


Silvia Rastelli


I materiali per le superfici stradali: interazione con la luce e caratteristiche di aderenza (Materials for road surfaces: interaction with light and grip characteristics)

Prof. Antonio Montepara


18th Cycle (2002-2005)

Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Mignosa

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD
 Ines Antunes

R&D manager at Polyglass – Mapei


Andrea Mordini


Principal at BG&E, Abu Dhabi


Riccardo Roncella



Sviluppo e Applicazioni di Tecniche di Automazione in Fotogrammetria dei Vicini (Development and Applications of Automation Techniques in Photogrammetry of Neighbours)

Prof. Gianfranco Forlani

Associate Professor at DIA, Università di Parma

 Cecilia Tedeschi

Scholar at Università di Ferrara


Andrea Zanini



Approccio Geostatistico per la Soluzione dei Problemi Inversi nelle Acque Sotterranee: Applicazioni e Sviluppi (Geostatistical Approach to the Solution of Inverse Problems in Groundwaters: Applications and Developments)

Prof. Maria Giovanna Tanda, Prof. Peter K. Kitanidis

Associate Professor at DIA, Università di Parma

17th Cycle (2001-2004)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianpaolo Giani

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD

Eva Coïsson



Full Professor at DIA, Università di Parma

 Daniela Paltrinieri

Scholar at DIA, Università di Parma

16th Cycle (2000-2003)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianpaolo Giani

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD
 Marco Belicchi

Engineer and internal training referent at Studio Majone Ingegneri Associati

 Paolo Bertozzi

Freelance Engineer

 Paola Campitelli

Technical Officer holding an Organizational Position at the Province of Chieti


Andrea Maranzoni



Associate Professor at DIA, Università di Parma

15th Cycle (1999-2002)

Coordinator: Prof. Gianpaolo Giani

NameDissertation title/SupervisorJob after the PhD
 Arianna Costa

Entrepreneur in the Constructions field

 Ilaria Fioretti

Partner of an Architecture Studio, Parma


Anna Giacomini



Professor at the University of Newcastle, Australia

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