Student Secretariat

The Student Secretariat provides information and assistance with administrative procedures for:

  • Pre-registration
  • Enrollment
  • Registration for subsequent academic years
  • Transfer from/to another degree program at UNIPR
  • Incoming and outgoing transfers
  • Student records
  • Study plan
  • Procedures for enrolling in graduation exams, issuing diplomas, self-certification of academic degrees
  • Withdrawal from studies
  • Career suspension
  • Registration for individual exams
  • Change of curriculum, modification of the study plan for students who are behind schedule, or decisions from the CCL regarding student careers or study plans (e.g., regarding choices made outside of the designated windows for online study plan completion or elective courses and credit recognition)

In general, the Student Secretariat handles all administrative procedures related to the academic careers of students enrolled in degree programs at DISTI.

Indirizzo Segreterie Studenti - Servizio gestione carriere Studenti: Parco Area delle Scienze 23/A - Campus Scienze e Tecnologie - 43124 Parma

Tel. 0521 905111 (CONTACT CENTER)- Fax 0521 906051 

Academic Secretariat

The Teaching Quality Office of the Department carries out front-office and back-office activities for students and faculty, and it manages the organization of academic activities.

It provides information regarding:

  • Academic offerings
  • Seminars
  • Exams (final exams, eligibility exams, graduation exams)
  • Class schedules, study plans
  • Tutoring
  • Double degree programs offered by the Department
  • Faculty office hours

It also provides general information regarding internships and international mobility, as these activities are managed by University Organizational Units.


Office Location: Piano terra della Palazzina 7, Padiglione 10 - Architettura e Ingegneria (cd. Sede Scientifica) - Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A - Campus Scienze e Tecnologie


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