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All information about the activities of the Official Laboratory of "Materials and Structures Testing" (Civil Engineering)

Who we are

Laboratorio Ufficiale "Prove Materiali e Strutture"

The Official Laboratory of "Materials and Structures Testing" is an experimental center for the analysis and certification of the technological properties of building materials (Law 1086 of 05.11.1971)and foundation soils (Presidential Decree no.380 of 06.06.2001).

It falls under the Department of Engineering and Architecture (DIA) of the University of Parma and was established by resolutions of:

- Departmental Council of Civil Engineering (Minutes of 3/2/1994)

- Board of Directors of the University of Parma (meeting of 19/04/1994)

- Academic Senate of the University of Parma (meeting of 22/04/1994)

The Official Laboratory "Testing and Materials and Structures" is a member of the ALIG (Association of Engineering and Geotechnical Laboratories) since February 2013 and is a member of the Interuniversity Center for Road and Airport Research (CIRS) for advanced research activities in land and air transport infrastructures of the University of Parma together with the Polytechnic University of Marche, the Polytechnic University of Turin and the University of Padua.

The Laboratory is directed by Prof. Roberto Cerioni, Full Professor of "Construction Technology" at the University of Parma.

The Deputy Director is Prof. Sabrina Vantadori, Associate Professor of "Construction Science" at the University of Parma.

The following are members:

Technician Leporati

Technician Guatteri

What we do

The activity is strongly oriented towards applied research, the development of research projects of Public Interest and technology transfer with Institutions, Companies and Enterprises.

The Laboratory constitutes a seat and teaching base for highly specialized courses for the mechanical characterization of materials and structural components in the field of road and building infrastructures, with specific equipment for the study of structures in c.a. and precast prestressed reinforced concrete structures of large dimensions.

Since its establishment, it has been the reference for the experimental activities of PhD Students and Dissertation Students of Master's Degree Courses in Civil Engineering, Environmental and Territorial Engineering and in Architecture.


Technology Transfer Building Hall 27 - Science Area Park 181/a - 43124 - Parma
T. 0521-905914
T. 0521-905988
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