In queste pagine puoi trovare tutte le informazioni sui "Dottorati di Ricerca" istituiti dalla Scuola di Dottorato in Ingegneria e Architettura (SDIA)


Director (2022-): Eva Coïsson
Duration: 3 years

The School was founded with the aim of supervising and rationalizing the activities envisaged within the three PhD Courses in the Department of Engineering and Architecture so that, ensuring an optimal level of aggregation of resources and scientific skills, PhD students are offered adequate research facilities and high levels of quality and scientific productivity.

By respecting the specific cultural needs, the aim of the School is to promote interdisciplinarity and acquisition of transversal skills, which support the specific skills of each research field. This is also pursued by encouraging international openness and mobility, in compliance with the principles of the European Researchers' Charter.

By considering the significantly applied and interdisciplinary nature of the scientific knowledge that develops within the Department of Engineering and Architecture, the School aims to increasingly intercept the needs of the labour market which is much broader than the academic field. This means that the School is not only attentive to the training of researchers in the strict sense, but it is also oriented towards that of innovators, who are capable of transferring knowledge in both industry and public administration.

Direttori precedenti

Prof. Carlo Morandi


Prof. Stefano Caselli


Prof. Sandro Longo



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