Prof. Emanuele Naboniemanuele.naboni@unipr.it17th to 21st of January 20225 ECTS, 31 hoursOPEN TO:20 sits available, open to PhD students of (in order of priority): Civil Engineering and Architecture, 35th and 36th cycles; Doctorates of SDIA; Doctorates of the University of ParmaIf the number of 20 is not reached by the 31st of December further sits will be accessible to national and international PhDs. APPLY BY the 31st of DecemberTo apply, please:email: emanuele.naboni@unipr.itcomplete the form: 3ZYLfdVlaLDq-sqANnoXVMmQU9A/edit#gid=0upload your PhD thesis abstract with your name: PhDs Thesis Abstracts PARTICIPATIONGoogle meet Link: folder: Ha0cw8RBk8i?usp=shar+ing DESCRIPTIONThis course aims to support Ph.D. students wishing to conduct research within the Sustainable Design Disciplines and enter the academic world. The objectives of the course are four:to understand the academic world coordinatesto grant breadth, fostering the development of a Ph.D. thesis Structure and other academic essaysto give depth to research work, by converging on the development of a solid methodology and customized Research Methods (for Design and Scientific Disciplines)to address all the aspects of the Management of a Thesis and relations to stakeholdersFrom the introduction to conclusions, producing a Thesis Structure is a further challenge: the course, uniquely based on participants' thesis work, proposes a step-by-step guide to devising a Structure that strengthens Parts and Chapters organization and connections. Either Ph.D. researchers have just started their Ph.D., or are closing it; each participant will grasp the essential, iterative process by which research questions generate Knowledge.Critical to the Process is the vast range of Research Methods suitable for the diverse array of topics germane to Sustainable Design Research (e.g. research by Design, Qualitative Research design, Correlational, Experimental, Simulation, Case Studies). When logical, participants will be seeking ways to marshal the benefits of two or more Research Methods applied to their investigations to build a solid Methodology.Weaved with Structure and Methods, is the “Thesis’ Management”. It is here that there is a high emphasis on the "adventure" of being a research student. It is addressed how to get started, get through revisions, face deadlines and how to regulate the workload. The issues of working with supervisors, the varied stakeholders (comprising the ones of industrial Ph.Ds.), academic peers and the final examiners, is treated. The topic of dissemination along and after the Ph.D. is also debated.The course offers a cohesive approach that will help PhD students succeed in their academic paths. Overall, this course is highly recommended to doctoral students and their supervisors as well as professors preparing for workshops or courses on research. CALENDAR17th Monday, 9 to 16Entering the academic world. Academic Keywords. Manage the Structure of Thesis and its Parts.Focus on the foundations: Introduction and Research Goals Individual work on your thesis18th Tuesday, 9 to 16A closer look into your thesis Core and Synthesis. Principles of good academic writingGuide to scientific production along with the PhD. Individual work on your thesis19th Wednesday, 9 to 16Methodology: a focus on the art of fostering Research Methods Research MethodsIndividual work on your thesis20th Thursday, 9 to 16Writing, Viva, Attributes of a Successful thesis.Other Academic Activities along with the PhD, Time and Energy Management Management of relation to the thesis stakeholdersIndividual work on your thesis21st Friday, 9 to 12Your PhD Structure and Table of Contents presentations and final debates.